Anesec goes …


27.10.2023 & 28.10.2023

Every year, ANESEC participates at the so-called “Studentefoire” in Luxembourg, a unique platform where Luxembourgish high school students gain valuable insights into various degrees, university cities, and Luxembourgish student associations abroad. For ANESEC, this event holds immense importance, as it provides a unique opportunity for us to guide prospective economics and business students in choosing their university, to navigate them through the array of the many different business and economics degrees, and to show them the benefits of having a reliable contact person in our association during their studies.

At the fair, we offer advice and help students make informed decisions about their academic journey. We also emphasize our role as a valuable resource for networking opportunities with companies once they begin their studies. Additionally, we introduce them to a range of events related to economics and business topics, showcasing the diverse and enriching experiences they can expect as members of ANESEC.


Anesec goes …


Anesec goes …